Wednesday, December 5, 2012

v Touche

We live in an imperfect world, marred by injustice and violence, plagued by corrupted minds and ill will.

I have a lot of space and time to write and prove that statement, but reading from your letters I am sure you would agree. Besides, I am following your line of thought and writing style now - of which, by the way, I am becoming used to and prompted my reply.

We live in an imperfect world, but it does not give us the right and freedom to act as if we are perfect in all that we do, that we always do the right thing. We still have to think about our actions, be responsible with them. And perhaps, we make this world we live in less imperfect than it would have been.


I am supposed to portray an untouchable character here. I am supposed to just argue all your points away. I perceive that setup would help a lot. But you do not need another person making sublimes and codes for you to think and decode, so I might as well not be one. And I might as well be someone you can reach, you can read. Although I also know you would like some game.

I have already answered most of your questions. Those five sentences, that one paragraph, would have sold me. I trust your skills to determine. We are, after all, connected by this sense of mystery and hidden between-the-line messages.

And you are not as easy to read. And that is positive Jason, a compliment actually. Although I can not help to figure things out, as you have specially arranged with your style.

Let's continue this game, and see how far we can play. That is not a challenge, for you are not fond of them. But I argue, is this the game you wanted to play? Have you thought I'd fall in this trap easily? Of course not, as you have already figured out.

Thus, I am willing to play. Do not read between the lines bro. Dance with the rhythm.

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